- Description
The Dream
I’ll never forget, when we finally met
On the steps of the hotel
I didn’t assume, we’d be sharing a room
Didn’t know each other well
You looked so fine, I wished you were mine
We went for a meal, it seemed so unreal
I’ll never forget, how we finally met
On the steps of the hotel
Next day on the plane, I wondered again
How this all had come to pass
On BA no less, heading for the US
Touching hands in Business class
We’d excitedly talk, approaching New York
Could it really be true, I was flying with you
I’ll never forget, that Dreamliner jet
When every line of my dream came true
Jet lagged though we may have been
Up early next day
Key meeting at ten fifteen
To sign my whole life away
We signed on the line, hitting the big time
Never regretted a thing
This time it was real, ’twas such a big deal
The whole world gets to hear me sing
We drank some wine, it seemed vou were mine
Unbelievable, this was happening at all
A dream coming true, I was besotted with you
And together, we’d signed on the dotted line
I’ll never forget, when we finally met
On the steps of the hotel
My senses were numb, but I wasn’t struck dumb
Just simply under your spell
When I opened my eyes, Wow what a surprise
Alone in my bed, as I realised
It had all been a dream, the most beautiful dream
It’s a dream that never dies
You cannot take the Dreamliner out of the girl
But you can take the girl out of the DrEaMLINEr
Catalog Number: Tgm220003
ISRC: UKDSJ2200003
The Dream by Trevor Gear
From the Album: Aphrodite’s Voice
Produced by Trevor Gear
Composed by Trevor Gear
Lyrics by Trevor Gear
Cover design by Medline Bradley
Published by Deepstuff Records ltd.
Copyright© Owner Trevor Gear
Published: WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL, 2022
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