- Description
ladies and gentlemen
let me welcome you to another year
i hope we all get along this year
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
i say ladies and gentlemen
ladies and gentlemen
ladies first
{ISRC UKBX42022001}
Catalog Number: dsr20220001
drem TGi with (Single) “Ladies and Gentlemen”
Beats designed by Saman K
Produced by dRem TGI
Mixing and Mastering: dRem TGI
Composed by dRem TGI
Lyrics by dRem TGI
Song Written by Emmy E. Hikins
Cover design by Medline Bradley
Label: Deepstuff Records LTD.
Copyright© Owner Deepstuff Records LTD.
Published: January 6, 2022
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