- Description
Wawa Ebonyi
This is goodbye
My friend
Mi amigo
This is goodbye
My brother
You lived a life well spent
You did the things you’ve could’ve done
You ran the race till the end
And now you have to go back to where we came from
I hope you find piece where we came from
I hope you find rest where we came from
I hope you said goodbye to your family
I hope you said goodbye to your homeboy
I hope you set foot in the promised land
I hope to see your face again someday
I hope to hear your voice when it’s all over
This is Goodbye
And I wish you a safe journey back home
I’m gonna miss you my dear friend
Goodbye amigo
Goodbye to you
This is my goodbye
This is my goodbye
This is my goodbye
This is my goodbye
Goodbye Amigo
Goodbye my dear friend
Goodbye my brother
Goodbye compadre
I hope you farewell
I hope you go well
E su casa mi casa no more
I just wish to see your face again someday
And I know this will happen when it’s all over
Goodbye Amigo
Goodbye Amigo
{ISRC UKBX42010028}
Catalog Number: dsr20201028
Goodbye Amigo-Original (Single) by dRem TGI
Beats designed by Saman K.
Produced by dRem TGI
Composed by dRem TGI
Lyrics by dRem TGI
Cover design by Deanna Maria R.
Label: Deepstuff Records ltd.
Copyright© Owner Deepstuff Records ltd.
Published: January 30, 2020
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