- Description
in every single way i’ve been tryna tell ya
that you are the only one
that makes my heartbeat
whenever you’re no near me
i feel like i’m fainting
cause your sweet love is melody
sweet tunes in my head
though the seas runs dry
i’d still be by your side
don’t shy away BABE
i’ll still be loving you
we go rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
day and night
let’s rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
just you and i
we go rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
day and night
let’s rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
just you and i
i’ve been trying to tell you
i’m not a player
i feel you should know by NOW
how i feel about you
rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
day and night
rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
just you and i
since the first time i saw you
i’ve been in love with you
i know they say it’s impossible
but that’s how i feel about you
and now i want nothing MORE
than to make you mine
nothing could change the way i feel about you
baby you should know BY NOW
my love is real
we go rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
day and night
let’s rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
just you and i
we go rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
day and night
let’s rendezvous rendezvous rendezvous
just you and i
i’ve been trying to tell you i’m not a player
i feel you should know by how i feel about you
UPC: 655471142522
{ISRC UKBX42022018}
Catalog Number: dsr20220018
drem TGi with (Single) “rendezvous”
Beats designed by Saman K
Produced by dRem TGI
Mixing and Mastering: dRem TGI
Composed by dRem TGI
Lyrics by dRem TGI
Song Written by Emmy E. Hikins
Cover design by Medline Bradley
Label: Deepstuff Records LTD.
Copyright© Owner Deepstuff Records LTD.
Published: Febuary 25, 2022
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