- Description
oh what a world we’re living in
what a wicked world we’re living in
a world where good is bad
and bad is good
a world where money rules as king
the richer you are the more likely you are to get away with murder
a world where kindness is seen as weakness
a world full of food yet millions are starving
but on the other hand tons of food is wasted
a world divided by a difference in many things
oh oh
what a world
oh oh
what a world
what a wicked world
we’re living in
what a wicked world
we’re living in
we’re divided by race
diveded by colour
divided by language
divided by accent
divided by place
divided by faith
divided by leadership
divided by believes
divided by age
divided by looks
divided by class
divided by our sexuality
we’re even divided by how savvy we are
oh oh
what a world
oh oh oh
what a world
what a world we’re living in
what a wicked world we’re living in
oh what a world we’re living in
what a wicked world we’re living in
the one you love doesnt always love you back
and the ones you don’t always wanna stick around
a world where people smile to your face
behind your back they tear you down
like hungry wolves
oh what a world
a world where you don’t get justice unless you’re fully loaded
a world that is slowly self-destructing
and the ones meant to save it are the culprits
oh what a world we’re living in
ISRC UKBX42021094
Catalog Number: dsr20210094
Beats designed by DJ SAM
Produced by dRem TGI
Mixing and Mastering: dRem TGI
Composed by dRem TGI
Lyrics by dRem TGI
Cover design by Medline Bradley.
Label: Deepstuff Records LTD.
Copyright© Owner Deepstuff Records LTD.
Published: 5TH of NOVEMBER, 2021
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