Gobbledygook by Trevor Gear

Gobbledygook by Trevor Gear
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Gobbledygook by Trevor Gear
  • Description



Gobbledygook, gobbledygook, 

The power of speech I was without

When you walked with me, when you talked with me

Gobbledygook, was all that came out

I tried to speak, but your mystique

It caused my brain to disconnect

Nearly getting cold feet, yet I so wanted to meet

But your first impression of me is now wrecked

Not gonna lie, you make me shy, and so I just pretend

To be that guy, who always can be cool

Yet there’s a dread, inside my head, you might never be my friend

But my mind is weak, and when I try to speak I sound like a fool

Having a think, I’m having a drink, to give me confidence

Today you will see, that yes I can be Mr Cool

We kiss on the cheek, then I go to speak

But what I’m saying makes no sense

I’m seven sheets to the wind, this relationship binned, what a fool


Gobbledygook, gobbledygook,

The power of speech I was without

When you walked with me, when you talked with me

Gobbledygook, was all that came out

I tried to speak, but your mystique

It caused my brain to disconnect

Nearly getting cold feet, yet I so wanted to meet

But your first impression of me is now wrecked


When I was quite young

Embarrassment could freeze my tongue

So true but then again

It only happened now and then

There’s something I have learned

Self-confidence cannot be earned

Young or old or in between

The game is played again


Goggledygook, goggledyook

The power of speech I was without

When you walked with me, when you talked with me

Goggledygook, was all that came out

I tried to speak, but your mystique

It caused my brain to disconnect

Nearly getting cold feet, yet I so wanted to meet

But your first impression of me is now wrecked




Catalog Number: Tgm210009

ISRC: UKDSJ2100009

Gobbledygook by Trevor Gear

From the Album: cowabunga dude

Produced by Trevor Gear

Composed by Trevor Gear

Lyrics by Trevor Gear

Cover design by Medline Bradley

Published by Deepstuff Records ltd.

Copyright© Owner Trevor Gear

Published: Thursday, 23 September, 2021


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