- Description
I asked her if she liked me, and would she like a drink
She said she did and wouldn’t, I understood I think
She asked me if I liked her, and couldn’t we elope
I said I did and couldn’t. she understood I hope
I asked was she just passing, and did she live alone
She said she was and didn’t, as if I should have known
She asked if I was spoken for, and could we have that drink
I said we could and wasn’t, she understood I think
Double-barrelled, trouble travelled all the way with me
Double-barrelled guns around the world are all we see
When we ask the questions of the powerful we’re
Double-barrelled answers which will never have us fooled
I asked if he was honest, and would always tell the truth
He said he was but wouldn’t, both upstanding and uncouth
And what of propaganda, is it truth or is it lies
He said it doesn’t matter, to win the war’s the only prize
Double-barrelled, trouble travelled all the way with me
Double-barrelled guns around the world are all we see
When we ask the questions of the powerful we’re
Double-barrelled answers which will never have us fooled
I asked if I could kiss her, and get to know her well
She said I could and couldn’t, her meaning who can tell
I heard two men discussing peace, and how we’re on the
Their shaking hands have made more bombs
They understood I think
Double-barrelled, trouble travelled all the way with me
Double-barrelled guns around the world are all we see
When we ask the questions of the powerful we’re
Double-barrelled answers which will never have us fooled
Catalog Number: Tgm210002
ISRC: UKDSJ2100002
“Double-Barrelled” by Trevor Gear
Album: Bow Chica Wow Wow!
Produced by Trevor Gear
Composed by Trevor Gear
Lyrics by Trevor Gear
Cover design by Medline Bradley
Published by Deepstuff Records ltd.
Copyright© Owner Trevor Gear
Published: Thursday, MAY 5, 2021
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